Aussie here. My card was declined as well. I am having the same trouble as others here. I feel like a mooch without a paid subscription but I just wanted to put this out there in sympathy with others. Fuck Sten Molin and his bareback skank Zoe Leonard. Why anyone would want to boast about rooting Molin is beyond me. That’s like saying I rooted Don Burke and enjoyed it. They had a foal together. I guess that’s it.

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they don't accept debit cards for any reason, unfortunately. You are NOT a mooch, nor are any other readers who come over here from Medium and who aren't interested in paying or can't, and who might feel this same way. That is not the intention of substack. Most of the content is free to anyone following this story. I had thousands of readers over at Medium but the only people stepping up to show support here now are the last people who should have to. You all--victims on any level of employees of American--are the LAST people I wanted paying anything. Can you all venmo each other to spread out what has already been paid/pledged? Spread the word. I'll post this under other comments as well. Thank you so much for considering it x

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I think the Amber Heard hatefest is terrifying survivors who want to come forward. American Airlines is a fearsome adversary.

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You're not wrong. it's certainly disheartening. I wrote this piece yesterday morning with some optimism, and 4 hours later that horrendous verdict came down. If there are enough victims in a given class there is the class-action option and strength in numbers--i can't think of another viable route at this point. There's a lot i don't know, what goes on behind the scenes, on FB pages, etc. If it were me and I knew a bunch of others in my same situation, hypothetically, I might consider a conversation with a lawyer re: class-action. But then again, it's not me in this case. I do worry that it's now or never for adult victims everywhere with this new law. I just want to put it all out there. Thanks for reading, & take care x

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